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Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Trip to Capri & Marbella!

The view from outside The Quisisana. Dream land! 

Arriving in Naples 
The Blue Grado

The largest Mozz ball I have ever seen!

And the largest zucchini flowers! YUM!

Soaking up the sun along the Almalfi Coast

Simon "Perfect Form" Saltiel

Ravello. SO magnificent!

The view from Palazzo Sasso; one of the most romantic, magical places I have ever seen1
The first night in Marbella with my brother

Hi Everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted in almost 2 weeks!  For my brother, Matt's, Graduation, we took a family trip to Capri and Marbella to celebrate! It was SUCH an amazing vacation filled with beautiful sights, incredible food, and lots of laughs and love! I thought I would post some pics from the trip and share some memories. I had 419 photos so obviously I couldn't post all! I hope you enjoy them!

This was the third time I was in Capri and each time it gets more and more beautiful and more and more yummy. I literally think I had 12 bowls of linguine vongole! We took two breathtaking day trips around the Almalfi Coast and boy was it sensational-such a dream world! I like to call it "Disney Land for adults"! 
As for Marbella, it was a first for me and will most definitely not be the last! There is amazing shopping, a crazy insane nightlife that lasts into the wee morning hours, and amazing food, especially the paella! 

Coming home from such a long trip is definitely bittersweet, however I am SO EXCITED FOR FALL NOW!! LOVEEE FALL CLOTHES!! ok, now I feel better! Phew.


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