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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Halloween this year! Thought I would post my costume since it was so much fun becoming a Vampire Bride! I think I have a serious new obsession with fangs-making them was absolutely hilarious since you have to melt special plastic particles into a spoon and begin to mold to the tooth sample! SO FUN- and took me more than a couple of times to make them perfection!
A special thanks to my good friend Ania for doing the most amazing, incredible, and insanely real makeup job (she is pictured above)!  There is my brother Matt in the Mexican costume and below him is this sweet girl named Anna Braha who I saw/met on the street. I was dying from her costume! She looked SO incredible as a dirty martini and I dub her "Costume of Halloween 2010"!

Hope everyone is having a great week so far!


1 comment:

  1. You are the hottest, most stylish, and most amazing vampire (and real life) person I know! I'm so proud of you for FORD, but you deserve it more than anyone! Love you linds!!!
