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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ask Lindsi!

Hi Lindsi-
I came across your blog and was wondering... where you get all of your beautiful diamond jewelry (drop earrings etc)? I live in NYC and am looking for a simple everyday diamond necklace. Any suggestions on where to look or what designers to shop? Thanks!


Hi Stephanie!
Thank you so much for your email and thank you for your compliment :) Obviously us gals just can't get enough of jewelry, fun/costume or real! I mean, lets be honest...it's in our blood for diamonds to be a girls best friend, right!?  Wearing jewelry is definitely always a way for me to personally make a bold, yet sexy statement-and all women should have their go-to jewelry essentials. One of them being your request, the "everyday diamond necklace". 

Although I live in NYC, I am always traveling back and fourth when it comes to jewelry because I am a loyal customer of London Jewelers in the Americana in Manhasset. They have the most beautiful selections of pretty much any high end brand you can think of (Cartier, Van Cleef, Rolex, Chopard, etc...), as well as selections of brands with gorgeous pieces in more affordable price points-all you would have to do is tell them what you are looking for! I get everything from earrings to watches here! They can custom make you a piece you are envisioning in your head or just help you around the store to find you exactly what you are looking for. Their customer service is top notch and each and every sales associate is as skillful and passionate about what they do than the next. No request is too small for London Jewelers. They are always willing to do whatever it takes to make the customer happy and that is why I will forever be loyal to them. Can't make it to Long Island? London Jewelers now has an e-commerce site! But I must warn you...that "add to cart" REALLY may become addicting. It is hard not to want everything they carry with the click of a button! ;)

*Other London Jewelers stores are located in Wheatley Plaza, Glen Cove, South Hampton, and East Hampton*


I hope this was helpful Stephanie!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Palm Beach Wedding!

This past weekend, I went to such a beautiful wedding at The Breakers in Palm Beach Florida! I LOVED MY PHILLIP LIM DRESS! So comfortable and the color was just so gorgeous (color "Peony" to be exact-also my most favorite flower!) and the top was delicately and precisely trimmed with floral appliques. Leave it to Mr. Lim! His clothes always make me feel pretty.

Congrats to Gregg and Blake Solomon!! Such an amazing wedding!!


Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year 2011!

Hi Everyone!

Happy New Year!!

I arrived back yesterday from my unbelievable trip safariing in South Africa! It was beyond INCREDIBLE and I recommend it to anyone looking for the most breathtaking experience of a lifetime! We stayed at the Royal Malewane in Thorny bush and Singita Boulders in Sabi Sand. Both hotels were so wonderful and beautiful and the people could not have been more kind! I already miss all my new friends I met there and cried each time I left both reserves. It's just one of those experiences that you can't possibly know what I am talking about until you see it with your own eyes. And boy did we! For the second half of the trip, we arrived in Cape Town for New Years (SO OBSESSED!!) to see my family friends from London and I arrived back to freezing NYC yesterday. Soooo, I am fresh off the 18 1/2 hour plane ride and a 24 hour travel day, jet lagged, and feeling like I am in a different galaxy! SO SO WORTH IT!

This trip was so special  I thought I would share some pictures from safari and a Cape Town shot so I hope you enjoy! 


The Impala
So close to the Giraffe!
I don't think my obsession with elephants is normal!
The Fam! This is my favorite picture from the trip!
Speechless from these shots! A leopard in the tree!
Finally we track down the fast paced cheetah!
Onto Cape Town for New Years on to FINALLY see my favorite sisters! Natalie and Alyssia! Miss you and love you!!