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Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year 2011!

Hi Everyone!

Happy New Year!!

I arrived back yesterday from my unbelievable trip safariing in South Africa! It was beyond INCREDIBLE and I recommend it to anyone looking for the most breathtaking experience of a lifetime! We stayed at the Royal Malewane in Thorny bush and Singita Boulders in Sabi Sand. Both hotels were so wonderful and beautiful and the people could not have been more kind! I already miss all my new friends I met there and cried each time I left both reserves. It's just one of those experiences that you can't possibly know what I am talking about until you see it with your own eyes. And boy did we! For the second half of the trip, we arrived in Cape Town for New Years (SO OBSESSED!!) to see my family friends from London and I arrived back to freezing NYC yesterday. Soooo, I am fresh off the 18 1/2 hour plane ride and a 24 hour travel day, jet lagged, and feeling like I am in a different galaxy! SO SO WORTH IT!

This trip was so special  I thought I would share some pictures from safari and a Cape Town shot so I hope you enjoy! 


The Impala
So close to the Giraffe!
I don't think my obsession with elephants is normal!
The Fam! This is my favorite picture from the trip!
Speechless from these shots! A leopard in the tree!
Finally we track down the fast paced cheetah!
Onto Cape Town for New Years on to FINALLY see my favorite sisters! Natalie and Alyssia! Miss you and love you!!

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