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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

NFL October Breast Cancer Awareness Catalog Shoot!

I always speak about how self gratifying it is when I am able to make someone feel and look beautiful through my work, whether it be personally styling someone or styling a model on a photo shoot.  And once in a while, if your lucky, opportunities arise that make you feel like you actually made a difference in someone's life on a given day. Yesterday was one of those days for me and was just a testament to how much I love my job!

I was given the amazing opportunity of styling breast cancer survivors for the October Breast Cancer Awareness GIANTS catalog! Everything about this day had my name all over it...working with the survivors in dressing them and making them feel good and being in the empty Meadowlands Stadium. I am no sports buff but WOW , it was INCREDIBLE!  

Women of all ages and one gentleman arrived super excited about the shoot and they were filled with personality! As people started getting comfortable with one another, they started asking about their stories and their sickness. One girl had a story that made me and my assistant literally look at each other in shock and disbelief. It was hard to imagine what she had gone through at such a young age...what all of these incredible people had gone through. As we all got out onto the field, everyone started screaming into the camera's cheering onto the field in front of them. It was SWELTERING hot on the field and they were in Fall gear and not one time did they complain. NOT ONCE! It was just no sweat off their backs, literally.  Their energy was outstanding and they were just so happy to be where they were in that moment, cheering about being breast cancer survivors! It was TRULY amazing and so humbling. At the end of the shoot, I noticed everyone exchanging facebook names and emails to stay in touch and it brought me to such a sentimental place. Within just 3 hours, all of the survivors made a connection with one another that no one else around them could ever understand and it was truly a moment and special day I will never forget for the rest of my life.

While October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, it is never too early to educate yourself on breast cancer awareness. To find out more, please visit http://www.nbcam.org/.


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